Hostal Residencia Bahia Laxe doesn’t assume any responsability derived from connection or from the contents or links in external pages referred to in this website.
Hostal Residencia Bahia Laxe reserves the right to carry out any modifications and updates to the information contained herein, its configuration or presentation without the need for previous notice.
In compliance with the Organic Law 15/1999 dated 13th December over the protection of data of a personal nature (LOPD), whose objective it is to guarantee and protect all that relates to the treatment of personal data, liberties and fundamental rights of people, especially their honour and personal privacy, we can inform you that:
- Personal data collected on this website is stored in protected files with exclusive access. As the proprietor Hostal Residencia Bahia Laxe is responsible for these files.
- Hostal Residencia Bahia Laxe has express authority to publish this data. Likewise, it guarantees the security of said information to prevent its alteration, loss, processing and non authorised use. For this purpose the relevant technical and organisational measures have been put in place.
- Any interested party may exercise their rights at all times as recognised by the LOPD, relating to access, alteration, cancellation and opposition. These rights can be exercised by emailing You may also exercise these rights under the terms specified in the applicable regulations.
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Hostal Residencia Bahia Laxe will not be held responsible for the replies made through the different email addresses contained in these pages. Information obtained through email addresses on these pages serves only for information purposes and isn’t in any way legaly binding.
We will try to keep interruptions to the service and problems arising from a technical nature to a minimum. We assume no responsability relating to interruptions or deficiency in service, nor for any problems arising from using these web pages.
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